Business and Commercial Law

At Minerva Law, our commercial law services are designed to support your business at every stage.

Commercial Lawyers

At Minerva Law, our commercial law services are designed to support your business at every stage, from startup to growth and beyond. Our experienced team provides expert advice in areas such as contract drafting, dispute resolution, mergers and acquisitions, and intellectual property. 

We pride ourselves on offering practical solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring your business operates smoothly and efficiently. Trust us to be your partner in navigating the complexities of business law, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business.


Thinking of leasing a commercial property, factory or warehouse? Do you think your lease is unfair? Are you concerned about your obligations under the lease? Is the lease a “Retail Lease” and does it then comply with the Retail Leases Act?

Leases are often long and full of legal jargon. It makes sense to have an expert check and advise you on what is reasonable to agree to and what should be rejected. You should also be aware of the implications of terminating a lease should you need to do so. At Mukushi legal, our expert business lawyers are here to assist with all your leasing concerns.

Contracts are also important in many business transactions in which you agree to buy or sell your products or services, or indeed have them delivered. These contracts can be overly long and complex. If you’re in business, you should obtain legal advice before you sign significant contracts.

Privacy Policy

Our team has vast experience in this regard. As no businesses are ever the same, the particular contents of any privacy policy will depend upon the nature of your business, your geographical boundaries and legal jurisdiction.

Does your business have a privacy policy and when do you need one? A privacy policy is a legal document governed by Privacy Laws which discloses some or all the ways in which your business information is obtained, gathered or used by your business partners and or clients. The document is intended to fulfil a legal requirement to protect you and your client’s privacy. In the case of business, a privacy policy is often your statement that will declare how you collect, store and release the personal information that you collect. It informs the client what specific information is collected, and whether it is kept confidential, shared with partners, or sold to other firms or enterprises.

Share Holder Agreements

Are you investing in a business, partnership or trust? Negotiating the terms of shareholder agreements can be very time consuming and difficult as there are a lot of matters to consider.

At Minerva Law, we provide specialised legal advice for crafting and managing shareholder agreements. Our team ensures clear terms, protects your rights, and fosters strong relationships among shareholders. By partnering with us, clients have reduced disputes by up to 25%, ensuring smoother business operations and increased shareholder confidence. Let us help you create robust agreements that align with your business goals and safeguard your interests.

We are able to better advice you on your governing business relationships and arrangements, detailing rights and responsibilities of parties to meet and protect your interests.

  • How can liability be shared between shareholders and investors?
  • Who will decide on how profits are distributed?
  • Who will fund the business?
  • Can control be passed from one shareholder to another?
  • What happens if shareholders cannot agree in making a decision? 
  • How can disputes be resolved?
  • How will mandatory meetings be held and how often?
  • Ending the business? What can you do if you decide to sell the business?
  • Is the death of an investor the end of the business and what does this mean for remaining investors?
  • How can shareholders leave or exit the business and how?
  • How are voting powers distributed and how will binding decisions be made?

Our lawyers understand that there is no business or shareholder agreement that is entirely the same and agreements must be tailor made in a manner that suits your specific requirements. We speak your language and achieve your better outcome.


Right loan, Right Lender at the Right TimeBorrowing money can come with terrible consequences should you fail to repay the money back with the interest. Understanding that loans are way more than borrowing and repayments is essential for your business.

At Minerva Law, we provide expert legal advice for securing and managing business loans. Our team ensures you understand the terms, mitigate risks, and secure favourable conditions. By partnering with us, clients have saved up to 15% on interest rates and legal costs, ensuring more capital is available for business growth. Let us help you navigate the complexities of loan agreements, protect your interests, and achieve financial stability.


Your main considerations in any loan arrangement must cover

  • Is this the best loan option for me?
  • Is this the best lender for my business?
  • Who is borrowing the money? Is it you, your business or a combination of both?
  • Is the borrower then the most appropriate for tax and any risk issues?
  • How much interest will be charged on your loan? Is it the correct amount and can it be changed?
  • What happens if the borrower delays repayments or fails to ever repay the loan? What can the lender do to you in that situation?
  • Who is the security provider under the loan? And what security is the lender undertaking and is it adequate?
  • Will the lender require any special guarantee?
  • Does your loan agreement come with any special conditions and how do these affect you?

Our team of friendly lawyers can assist you to

  • review your lenders loan agreement and help you better understand any important terms including non-standard terms as well
  • review any security documents that your lender may have asked of you
  • negotiate any terms of your loan that you are uncomfortable with and
  • satisfy your lenders requirements by providing you with a certificate of legal advice

Supplier Agreements

Your supply, service and distribution agreements are essential for the running of any business. Once you decide to engage in business with a supplier, it is a good and proactive measure to document the terms of trade in a written contract. This will clarify and almost eliminate disagreements about each party’s rights and responsibilities.

At Minerva Law, we specialise in assisting small businesses with their supplier agreements, ensuring you secure favourable terms and reduce risks. Our expert team offers comprehensive services to draft, review, and negotiate agreements, safeguarding your interests and enhancing supplier relationships. By partnering with us, you can save up to 20% on legal costs while achieving more reliable and efficient supply chain management. Let us help you maintain the quality and consistency your business needs to thrive.

  • Supply conditions, volume, price, discounts, ordering periods and delivery times.
  • Payment terms and penalties for late payments and or consequences for default.
  • Limited liability
  • Intellectual property
  • Confidentiality
  • Insurance
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Termination and Exclusion Clauses

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